A New Year…, A New Dynamic

Amazing! After some really fun holidays, enjoying our new home, new neighbors, a new lifestyle, we’ve begun a new year. How strange it seemed to hear and sing Christmas carols, while enjoying the warm temperatures of central Florida. Instead of pine trees, we’re looking at palm trees and citrus trees. Instead of boots and overcoats, it’s flip flops and shorts. Two years ago, we’d have said “no way”! Now it’s “what took us so long?”

As the new year rolled in, so did many of the park residents. It’s great to watch the place fill up. And it’s truly enjoyable to watch as old friends reconnect, sharing hugs and kisses as they run into each other at the post office, or the ice cream social or the morning coffee social. The more than 100 weekly activities on the calendar are now in full swing. Because we’re “newbies”,  easily identified by the red dot on our name badges, we are warmly greeted and overwhelmed with invitations to join the many clubs and activities. We’re making every effort to be “team players” while finding gracious ways to decline, when necessary, without offending anyone. If we were to say “yes”to every invitation, we’d never sleep until April when the season ends!

So far,we’re taking a digital photography class together. While Frank is now part of the Sailboat Club, the Power Boat Club, and the Car Racing Club, I’ve joined the Quilting Guild, the TR Lady Builders (preparing for a home build with Habitat for Humanity), and the Travelettes (a senior women’s choral group that brings musical entertainment to neighboring nursing homes and veterans facilities).  Not to be left out, Snowball is also becoming very well known as she gets the opportunity to run and play at least 3 times a day in our puppy park with a group of puppies as well as older dogs that have developed a friendship of their own.

We are predicting that the next few months here are going to continue to be quite entertaining as we become more and more acclimated to the park as well as to the surrounding area and all the things that are waiting for us to experience before we hit the road for our summer of exploration.  Stay tuned for there will be lots more to come.